Slovensko agronomsko društvo in njegov namen

Presentation of the Society

Slovenian society of agronomy is a voluntary, independent, non-profit Society of agronomists and other persons who work or are trained in agronomy. It was founded on Dec. 24, 1996. In recent years, the Society has about a hundred members. Bodies of the Society are the Assembly as the highest body, the Executive Committee, the Court of Honor, Supervisory Board and President of the Society. In 2023 for the president of the Society was elected Dr. Igor Šantavec, one of the founding members of the society. Executive committee members are now Dr. Barbara Čeh  - secretary, Dr. Peter Dolničar – treasurer, and members Dr. Denis Stajnko, dr. Aleš Kolmanič and Igor Škerbot.
The purpose of the Society is to connect agronomists, protect their interests, professional rise and establishment of agronomy as an important applied scientific discipline. The society organizes scientific / technical meetings, excursions and caters for publishing. In 2006, it the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology granted the status of the Society as acting in the public interest in research.

Every second year it organizes a symposium with international participation, New Challenges in Agronomy (up to year 2010 New Challenges in Crop Production). It also organizes each year one or two professional consultations and expert excursion. Such meetings help new technological solutions implementation in existing agricultural technologies suitable for Slovenian conditions. The society brings together renowned experts and scientists in the field of agronomy from different institutions (MAFF, Biotechnical Faculty, Faculty of Agriculture, Agricultural Institute of Slovenia, Institute for Hop Research and Brewing Slovenia, Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia, Center for Rural Development Jable ...). It is one of the leading organizers of the transfer of scientific and technical knowledge in the wider Slovenian agricultural practice (focus on agriculture and horticulture) by its participation in the formulation of new legistation on crop production and wider agro-ecosystem, education curricula, on professional and scientific consultations, lectures, field trips, the issuance of periodic and ad hoc publications, cooperation with related domestic and international organizations.

The Society works in terms of encouraging scientific research activities, provides an example for young researchers to successfully integrate the scientific research activity, acting in terms of transferring knowledge into practice, especially in informing the wider agricultural public, especially agricultural experts. During the consultations, symposia and field trips organized by the Society, the members have opportunities for open and critical discussion about the relevance of the scientific and technical achievements by practitioners. Such confrontations are one of the ways that made new sustainable technological solutions actually used or installed in agricultural practice.

Executive board of the Society on a 2023 Symposium in Laško
Izvršni odbor društva 2021 na spletnem simpoziju
Executive board on 2021 Symposium - first time held online
Izvršni odbor - slovensko agronomsko društvo na simpoziju 2017
Executive board of the Society on a 2017 Symposium in Laško.

Slovenian society of agronomy, Jamnikarjeva 101, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
IBAN: SI56 1914 0500 0010 437 | BIC: SZKBSI2X